DOG GUIDETraining & Behavior

How to Stop My Dog From Peeing on My Bed

No one loves their pet more than us, but nothing can put a damper on a day like coming home after work and finding that your bed has become their potty pad. Luckily, this issue is usually manageable.

Before further treating your dog’s behavior, it’s essential to rule out any medical causes for its abnormalities. Once this step has been completed, work can begin on correcting its unwanted characteristics.

1. Identify the Issue

If your dog keeps peeing on your bed, you must identify and address its source. Clean the area using an effective pet stain and odor remover, which will absorb and eliminate all urine scents; any scent left from urine could attract your pup back to do his business in that spot. If that fails, they could continue frequenting that spot with peeing their business!

Step two is to assess your dog’s health. Urinary tract infections, kidney issues, and other medical issues could cause him to have accidents in unexpected places. If this is new behavior for your pup, make an appointment with a veterinarian as soon as possible to see what might happen.

Some dogs pee on their owners’ beds to mark their territory. If your pup only seems to pee occasionally on the bed, this could be marking behavior; neutering your pet could help reduce or eliminate such actions.

Some dogs pee on their owners’ beds due to anxiety or fear. This may be triggered by changes to your dog’s routine or living environment, such as having houseguests over, welcoming a new puppy/child, or renovation work nearby. Walking your pup frequently, playing with him, and giving him lots of attention can help alleviate anxiety/fear symptoms while teaching him that peeing on your bed is unacceptable behavior.

Finally, some dogs urinate on their owners’ beds to gain their attention. This is particularly prevalent among puppies who are eager to please and may attempt to do something exciting, like urinating on the bed to please their owner. If this becomes an issue for you, training may help, as can restricting access to the bedroom if they can only enter when you’re present; closing doors when not at home might also limit this behavior.

2. Clean Up

Dog urine can leave permanent marks on fabrics, carpets, and mattresses. If your pet urinates on your bed, you must clean up quickly, or the smell may draw them back in. An odor eliminator designed to reduce urine stains and smells is an ideal way to tackle this problem; these products can be purchased locally or online.

Cleaning up dog urine on your bed using items already found around the house is possible, too. Begin by blotting the area with paper towels or an absorbent microfiber cloth to absorb as much of the liquid as possible before washing all bedding, such as blankets, sheets, and comforters according to label directions – including any pillows and stuffed toys your dog may have brought with them into bed.

After using an enzymatic cleaner designed specifically to remove pet stains and odors, use an enzymatic cleaner designed specifically to eliminate them. Enzymatic cleaners use bacteria-deactivating enzymes to break down urine-related chemicals to effectively eliminate their smell while making mattresses and bedding fresh again.

If the smell persists, try applying a strong deodorizer, such as a perfume-free laundry booster or a product designed for incontinence. If that does not help, consult with your veterinarian, as this could indicate an infection or medical issue that is contributing to inappropriate urination by your pet.

Your dog could also be marking his territory on your bed, which you probably do not appreciate. They do this to establish ownership over the area and feel safe there – usually male dogs do this, although females and puppies can too. Urine marking can also be an indicator of anxiety or stress; sometimes, this behavior may even be brought on by excitement or fear.

If this is the case for you and your dog, you must teach them that only certain areas of the house are appropriate – and their bed should not be one. This can be accomplished by restricting access to their bedroom via door or gate and regularly taking them outside for potty breaks. Furthermore, you could reward good behavior with treats when the appropriate side of the house has been chosen as potty space and praise them when going to their designated spot.

3. Ban Your Dog

Dog pee-on-bed behavior often stems from more in-depth issues. Puppies and adult dogs who were never properly house trained may start peeing on beds due to territorial marking or health problems such as urinary tract infections or bladder stones; such problems cannot be rectified with a simple reprimand but require professional training or veterinarian intervention for resolution.

Some dogs become so overexcited when exposed to new people, animals, or smells that they urinate out of sheer excitement. This could be caused by newcomers entering your house, guests coming for dinner, or family coming for the holidays – whatever may trigger this reaction from your pup! In these instances, it would be best to wait until everyone has left and play and interact with them outside the bedroom area before introducing them back into the bedroom area – or take them outside for an additional bathroom break before allowing them back inside!

Additionally, dogs will urinate on their bed due to excitement or as a signal they need to go potty immediately. If this behavior occurs in male puppies or adult dogs, it could indicate they require neutering; males can also act as territorial markers by peeing on things to mark their territory.

Dogs are drawn to urine because it’s irresistibly appealing; therefore, you should take swift and thorough steps to clean up accidents on bedding or any other areas in your home where dogs have already relieved themselves. An old towel or newspaper will do nicely for blotting urine up before vacuuming away to eliminate its scent; alternatively, speak to your vet about products designed specifically to deodorize and remove the scent from bedding, as they might also recommend some that do both!

4. Neuter Your Dog

Tragically, sometimes dogs pee on their owner’s bed to mark territory. While this behavior can sometimes be reduced with proper training and behavior modification techniques, it’s important to understand that territorial urine marking isn’t usually seen as a sign of hostility or rebellion. Rather, it may simply be their way of alerting you they don’t get enough toilet breaks and need another spot to use their bathroom breaks.

No matter the cause of their behavior, urinating in their owner’s bed should never be ignored and must be brought up immediately for inspection and assessment by a veterinarian. A vet can perform a physical exam, run various tests, and recommend the best action for your dog’s well-being.

One of the main causes of dogs peeing on beds is because they’re not fully potty trained yet, particularly puppies. Accidents may happen at any time, and it’s hard for a puppy to hold it when tired, hungry, or after having consumed large meals. Therefore, you must give your puppy ample opportunities to use the bathroom throughout the day and take them out more frequently than normal.

There’s a chance your dog has lost control of his bladder due to health conditions like diabetes, kidney disease, or Cushing’s disease – any change in bathroom habits should prompt an appointment with your veterinarian as they may be able to provide relief via medications and diet changes.

Your dog could be overexcited and have difficulty controlling his bladder. This could be caused by insufficient toilet breaks, excitement, or fear – in either case, it will need professional assistance to bring about change. In such a situation, working with a qualified behaviorist to teach calmness and self-control to your pup should prove effective – plenty of great behavioralists are nearby!