Travel crates for dogs provide an enclosed, safe space for your pet to travel comfortably. If you are looking for the best travel dog crates for large dogs, check out …
What to Do If My Dog Swallowed a Chicken Bone? Bones and dogs always go together, isn’t it? Well, no, not always. Chicken bones are flaky and weak. And, …
The problem with dogs is that they are always chewing or biting into things that they shouldn’t. This causes unwanted things to make their way into your dog’s stomach. …
Dogs are lovely pets. Different reasons make the dog a good pet as they help people with loneliness. Dogs provide us feeling of emotional well-being and provide us unconditional …
Is your dog biting its nails randomly throughout the days and nights, and its incessant biting of nails annoys you every moment? This frequent biting of nails can be …
Fever is a condition in which the set point of a dog’s body temperature is displaced. Dogs have a higher normal body temperature than humans. Their body temperature varies …
Dogs are naturally curious and sometimes careless with the thing they put in their mouth. They are notorious for consuming everything that catches their eye if they remain unsupervised. …
Do you smell something unusual from your dog’s mouth? Maybe it’s time for your dog to have its dental check-up. Your dog may be experiencing halitosis or stinky breath. …
Like humans, dogs also suffer from oral conditions. Dental disorders may be due to poor oral hygiene that accumulates some bacteria that mix with the foreign bodies inside the …
If you have a dog terrified of thunderstorms, the prospect of a thunderstorm in the forecast is your worst nightmare. During a storm, your dog may pant, pace, whine, …