Why is my dog chewing too much on their own asses? Usually, occasional butt licking is not a cause for concern, but if your dog starts licking its butt constantly, it could be a sign of a more serious problem. Why do dogs lick their butts? Let’s find out!
Why Do Dogs Lick Their Butts: Reasons For Dogs To Lick
Dogs lick themselves, most often, to groom for a variety of reasons. You may have caught your dog licking her hair, legs, feet, and even those private parts, such as her butt and vagina, from time to time. When your dog licks its ass, it’s more likely to do so just to keep the area clean, much in the same way as we shower daily and wash it away after using the toilet. If your dog has fecal matter stuck to its butt or the hair that covers it, it may need longer in-depth grooming, but it is usually not a cause for concern in most situations.
Although keeping fur clean is an innocuous reason for licking, dogs often will lick for reasons that may require a little more care and concern. The infected anal glands can cause the dog to lick excessively in an attempt to soothe the irritation associated with the disorder. Anal glands are a common part of dog anatomy, and when all is functioning well, these glands, which are located close to the dog’s rectum, release an oily fluid that lets them quickly pass through the motions of the intestines and releases scents for other dogs to notice. If an anal gland is affected or over-filled with blood, it can lead to swelling and inflammation around the dog’s ass and sometimes emit a foul odor.
A dog can even lick their ass if they have parasites living inside them. Roundworms, tapeworms, hookworms, and whipworms are some of the most common types of worms that affect dogs and puppies. Since these worms move through the anus of a dog, they may severely irritate your canine companion and cause them to lick the region that has become the source of their discomfort.
More Information
If you find that your dog licks its own ass and often finds worms in its stool, which are sometimes known as off-white or tan specimens that mimic items like spaghetti or rice, depending on the type of worm, a visit to your veterinarian is in order to ensure that they can be promptly dewormed with medicine.
When dogs sit down and start scratching their asses, it’s usually an indication that the bottom region feels sore or itchy. The cause of anal pain in your dogs can be varied, but all of them require you to schedule a trip to the vet to alleviate the discomfort. Read on below to learn the key reasons why dogs lick their asses.
A. Anal Gland Issues
The main cause of discomfort around the dog’s ass is that their anal glands may be contaminated or adversely affected. Besides licking around the infected area, the dog can even drag himself along the floor to obtain relief from discomfort by scratching. Healthy anal glands normally release smelly fluids any time the dog defecates. If this does not occur, these glands may be affected and swelled, leading to an abscess or bacterial infection. Usually, the vet would expel these fluids manually before administering medication for any associated infections.
B. Internal Parasites
Various types of internal parasites, including tapeworms, hookworms, roundworms, and whipworms that live in your dog’s intestines can cause anal discomfort and other health problems, such as nutritional deficiencies, vomiting, diarrhea, and anemia. You will even find the segments of these parasitic worms in the dog’s anus and also in the feces. When a fecal sample test is completed, the veterinarian will administer treatment to remove internal parasites.
C. Allergy And External Parasites
Mites, fleas, and ticks all make your dog’s back region itchy. Luckily, there are topical parasite remedies that you can use to get rid of these external parasites. However, if parasites are not the cause of itchy butts, you need to consider food allergies and touch allergies. With regular bathing, a hypoallergenic diet, and anti-inflammatory creams or medications, you can alleviate allergy-related ass itchiness.
D. Infection Of The Skin
A fungal or bacterial skin infection may occur around the anal area of the dog, particularly when the infected skin has been punctured. The anal region is especially vulnerable to disease due to the presence of fecal matter every time your dog defecates. Unfortunately, by overly licking the anal area to relieve scratching and discomfort, the skin gets more irritated, making skin infections worse.
Why Do Dogs Lick Their Butts: My Dog Smells A Bit Fishy
If your dog smells fishy, particularly around his anus, you might have some of the affected anal glands to deal with. Anal glands often have a bit of a fishy scent, but the amount of oil they emit when helping a dog with a bathroom break or when exchanging information by landmarking is so minimal that most people don’t notice it.
However, when the glands are infected, the oil builds up, and that scent of scent becomes a little more noticeable, particularly if the disease has been untreated for a while. This condition is also referred to as anal sac disease, which is generally handled with excess fluid expressed in these glands by a medical professional (don’t worry, it’s a simple and generally painless procedure for most dogs).
Often, catching a whiff of something fishy from your dog’s hindsight may be a more serious concern concerning her anal glands. The American Kennel Club states that abscessed or contaminated anal glands can produce a foul odor and must be handled immediately by a veterinarian to relieve your dog of discomfort and prevent a potential later rupture. In certain cases, anal sac tumors often grow on dogs and can require a biopsy if they can not be adequately articulated. Another indication that a problem with her anal glands is causing her pain is if your dog keeps licking the tail’s base.
Why Do Dogs Lick Their Butts: Signs Your Dog Has A “Butt Problem”
There are glands on either side of the rectum of your dog that contain a very pungent fluid. They do not seem to have any reason for a dog’s well-being other than labeling and recognition. They mark his body and his feces as belonging to him. Owing to their position so close to the anus, the glands can be damaged and/or infected. As the owner of the puppy, you should be mindful of the “fire below” signs.
Your dog will alert you to an anal gland problem with the following signals.
1. Scooting
Dogs drag their backs around the ground because of scratching or discomfort around the anal region. This action may often be a common method of removing debris or passing itch, but any dog who scooters more than occasionally may have a problem.
2. Licking
Some dogs regularly lick their private parts, and you’ll know if this is what your dog usually does. Licking anal gland problems can be regular and severe since it is motivated by pain, and it will sometimes be difficult to distract your dog from it. If you’re able to distract yourself, you’ll find that he’s back licking again really soon.
3. Looking At That
Owners report a concern about the area in the affected dogs. Often, unexpectedly, they sit up and glance around at the rectal region as if they were shocked. It seems to be linked to pain, and we know there are a lot of nerves in this place, so looking around in surprise could be a hint of trouble.
4. Foul Odor
Normally, anal glands emit a very pungent discharge that is much worse than the scent of feces. Natural release happens at the time of defecation, so the waste is away from you and your dog. If you detect a disgusting, often fishy scent on your dog or wherever it lies, it may be a sign that the glands are abnormal. Leaking foul smell at odd times could be a warning to get help.
5. Open Wounds
If the glands become infected, they may create an abscess (pocket of pus) that breaks out on the skin near the rectum. When this happens, your dog will most likely show you the symptoms mentioned here, as well as the open wound. Any open wound needs veterinary treatment as soon as possible.
Anal sac disease is a very important problem due to pain and infection. It needs to be looked at by a vet. Don’t be tempted to try to express the tainted glands yourself. When the infection is present, the handling is likely to push the infected matter deeper into the tissues and would definitely be painful for the dog. Keep your bond safe and let veterinarians deal with this painful and common problem. There’s help with anal gland disease, so neither you nor your dog has to live in silence.
Why Do Dogs Lick Their Butts: Other Habits
Often it’s not just ass licking that may mean that your dog is getting annoyed back there. One thing dogs should do if they have trouble with their anus is to look back at their own ass. If you find that your dog keeps staring at the back of his body, it’s most likely because he’s upset for some reason. At the risk of sounding like a broken record, more often than not, this pain can be traced back to the affected or irritated anal glands, but occasionally it may be an external irritant like a matt fur on the back.
If your dog chews on the skin around her ass, it may be due to fleas or other parasites, skin disorders such as dermatitis, or even an environmental allergy.
You may have seen another action in your dog’s show is scooting or dragging your butt over a flat surface, like grass, or less comfortably on your living room carpet. Almost every time, this is achieved due to the damaged anal glands, and also in combination with the area licking. Although it’s definitely humorous in its own way, scooting generally means that a dog is uncomfortable. Fortunately, a simple ride to a doctor can always cure the condition by removing the complete glands.
Why Do Dogs Lick Their Butts: When To Be Worried About It
Butt licking is not necessarily a significant cause of concern, but taking note of what is and isn’t normal will save your dog from pain and disease. A dog that offers itself a generous tongue bath at the end of the day is generally not a cause for concern, as long as licking is not gratuitous or compulsive, as it may suggest anxiety or other psychological or neurological condition, says South Boston Animal Hospital. If your dog is whimpering or displaying other signs of discomfort when licking her ass, a doctor’s visit is recommended, as it is possible that her suffering will be relieved in a short time.
In addition, a dog that is always strained to use the bathroom should be taken to the veterinarian, as this activity is not natural. Often, the anal glands’ routine expression will do the trick, but if your dog has a more serious medical condition, it should be dealt with immediately. To keep your dog’s anal glands safe, make sure to give him plenty of fresh water at all times, and recommend a high-fiber diet if he’s usually unable to use the toilet.
Final Words
It is entirely appropriate for dogs to lick their backs while cleaning themselves. However, if you find that licking has become persistent or excessive, then a diagnosis must be made by your vet. You might also need an Elizabethan dog collar to help prevent more harm to the area that your dog is licking to allow it enough room and time to recover. In other situations, butt licking can also suggest anxiety disorders where no medical reasons are known.